Spadge Hopkins
Spadge Hopkins’ work is informed by experience gained during a creative career that involved product design, music and engineering. Currently he works in metal and ceramics and also produces prints using various techniques. His metal sculptures often involve the use of void and shadow.
Recent subjects have included music icons, natural history and autobiographical themes exploring the past in an attempt to make sense of the present.
Practicing and studying autodidactically, he has produced varied work since the 1980s. Spadge’s first mainstream public exhibition was in Ipswich in 2015 and led to public art commissions for the City of Cambridge, The Woodbridge Cormorant Trail, The River for All sculpture trail in Stowmarket and recently The Waterways at Great Yarmouth.
Spadge exhibits widely and has also curated a number of exhibitions including those for Suffolk Open Studios of which was a committee member. He works in a rambling array of barns and sheds in Suffolk and has strong links with London, Cambridge and the West Country.

Contact Spadge