Ruby Banazi

Ruby studied Printed Textiles at Edinburgh College of Art where she developed her love of colour, shape, pattern, and mark making. After leaving Edinburgh and returning to London Ruby freelanced selling designs internationally for fabric and paper use whilst also temping for media companies to survive!

Following a career in marketing for the Home Entertainment Film industry Ruby left London in 2011 to settle in Suffolk to look after her 3 children and embrace ‘the good life’, taking on an allotment which along with the stunning Suffolk landscape, has been a constant source of inspiration for Ruby’s art.

Since moving to Suffolk Ruby has focused on revisiting, developing and relearning drawing and printing skills – mostly on her kitchen table but she now has a studio at The Art Station in Saxmundham and is also a member of Sudbourne Park Printmakers where she helps teach relief printing on workshops.

Aside from printmaking, Ruby also enjoys spreading her time across the freedom of abstract painting where she often incorporates collage made from her prints.

Being a strong believer that everyone is an artist, Ruby believes that the biggest excitement (and frustration at times) of art and printmaking is experimentation and being thrilled by happy accidents!

Contact Ruby