Donna Roche

My whole life is deeply routed in the natural world around me and the energy both within and around – both in the healing and creative arts.

My creative process works in conversation and response to this connection, the feelings and energy my observations offer to me I try to convey through my work.

This body of work was very much a process of moving into and exploring print processes, texture and mixed media. How different processes helped to support and convey the subject of each piece. Hand working into the prints, Chin colle, inlaid flowers overlay also offered layers and depth to enhance the work where it called me.

The natural world and the energy which resonates through life fascinates and attracts me – I see the patterns entwining and connecting everything – from the birds, the trees to the energy of the body systems and that which is offered from emotions, prayer and especially the power of love.

To me everything is energy and all the beautiful forms it expresses itself within our world and within us, the higher the vibration and tone the brighter the light.

Contact Donna